Audio Cassette Tape Collection

Dublin Core


Audio Cassette Tape Collection


Interviews and Programs about Cranbrook Related People, Places and Events

Collection Items

Daughter of Lee A Wright. Tape 1.

Head of CAA Metalsmith Department 1948-1984. Tape 2.

Son of Reverend Samuel S Marquis: Christ Church Cranbrook. Tape 4.

CAA student and financial secretary 1942-1968. Tape 5.

Director of CAA 1970-1977. Tapes 11-12.

Brookside School Art Teacher 1936-1950. Tape 13.

CAA graduate 1950. Tape 14.

Grandaughters of George Gough Booth.

George and Hank Winborne. Tape 19.

Dominick Angelosante with John Angelosante. Tape 20.
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