Audio Cassette Tape Collection
Dublin Core
Audio Cassette Tape Collection
Interviews and Programs about Cranbrook Related People, Places and Events
Collection Items
Elizabeth White Oral History
Daughter of Lee A Wright. Tape 1.
Richard Thomas Oral History
Head of CAA Metalsmith Department 1948-1984. Tape 2.
Rogers Marquis Oral History
Son of Reverend Samuel S Marquis: Christ Church Cranbrook. Tape 4.
Margueritte Kimball Oral History
CAA student and financial secretary 1942-1968. Tape 5.
Roy Slade Oral History
Director of CAA 1970-1977. Tapes 11-12.
Murray Douglas Oral History
Brookside School Art Teacher 1936-1950. Tape 13.
Peter Gilleran Oral History
CAA graduate 1950. Tape 14.
Elizabeth McLean and Shirley Sarver Oral History
Grandaughters of George Gough Booth.
George Winborne Oral History
George and Hank Winborne. Tape 19.
Dominick Angelosante Oral History
Dominick Angelosante with John Angelosante. Tape 20.
- Cranbrook Archives
- Audio Cassette Tape Collection