Elaine Crawford Oral History

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Elaine Crawford Oral History


Elaine Crawford was the first women hired at the Ford Motor Co. Rouge engine plant since the Korean War. She was encouraged by a coworker to take the skilled trades test and after scoring very high decided to become an electrician until the oil crisis of 1973. After the setback with the skilled trades Crawford took a job with the City of Detroit at the Waste Water plant and soon was able to fill a vacancy as an electrical repair woman. Crawford recalls what it was like to be one of two women working on a job and the adjustment it took to work in such an environment. Crawford became active in the IBEW Local 58 as an officer and committee member. She discusses her experience as a woman in Local 58, as an officer, and the locals’ attitude toward women. She concludes the interview by considering the future of women in trade unions.

Oral History Item


Raucher, Margaret; Advisory Group Members


Crawford, Elaine, 1949-

Date Recorded





“Elaine Crawford Oral History,” Michigan Oral History Database, accessed October 22, 2024, http://www.database.michiganoha.org/items/show/1860.

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