Denise Greer Oral History

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Denise Greer Oral History


Denise Greer of Local 898 is a millwright at the Ford Rawsonville plant. Greer attended college for music but found fulltime work with Ford in 1998. She describes the problems she has had with supervisors and harassment as she is only one of five women millwrights. Greer feels that she cannot rise politically in the union but would stay on in the plant if she could and cites the “Old Boys Club” mentality as one cause of her lack of political mobility. She discusses the lack of racial diversity in the trades and feels that there is very little encouragement to recruit women into the trades at Ford. At the time of the interview Greer was enrolled as a pre-law student at Eastern Michigan University and hopes to have a future in labor law.

Oral History Item


Raucher, Margaret; Advisory Group Members


Greer, Denise, 1977-

Date Recorded



Detroit, MI; 1971-2004


“Denise Greer Oral History,” Michigan Oral History Database, accessed October 22, 2024,

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